Pamlico County Schools
507 Anderson Drive
Bayboro, NC 28515

Paying for Meals
Pre-paying is like having money in the bank!
Pre-paying is like having money in the bank!

Meal Payment Options

Parents are encouraged to pre-pay for meals on their children's account. To open an account; send cash, write a check or money order to the cafeteria of  the school your child attends.  Parents who want their checks for meals only should write "MEALS ONLY" on their checks.  This will prevent students from purchasing a la carte items to supplement their regular lunch meal. (A la carte items are available to all students.) Students who receive free or reduced meals can also make deposits to purchase a la carte items.  A la carte items are usually based on each school favorites such as ice cream, cookies, fruit juice and water.

The cafeteria uses a computerized system that maintains the children's balances and automatically deducts the money from their account when their confidential number is entered at the cashier's station. Their account is debited based on their approved status of Paid, Reduced or Free. Information pertaining to what your child has purchased can be retrieved at anytime for your review. Parents are encouraged to make deposits or pre-payments for their child's meals for the week, month or the entire school year.  The deposit can be for any amount and it eliminates the possibility of the child losing or forgetting their money.  The system will determine if there is enough money in the account to pay for the meal and the transaction will be processed.

Charges to accounts will not be allowed after May 01, 2009.  Cash, money order or check will be the only forms of payment accepted.  Whatever method of payment is selected, all funds sent by the parent will be credited to the student's account.  


With a  signed request  from the parent or guardian, refunds can be processed (1)when a student transfers to another school district or (2)graduates. Requests need to be forwarded to the Child Nutrition Department. Please allow up to 30 days for a refund to be processed.